SkySnap Projects

SkySnap Projects

We present the projects in which our company has and had the opportunity to participate.


See recent inquiries

We invite bids that support our projects.

Current inquiries

  • Request for Proposal No. SkySnap_BRIK_4/2024, dated 08/05/2024.

    Guided by the principle of fair competition and equal treatment of contractors, as well as the principle of effective financial management, we request a price quotation for a Junior ML Specialist for the implementation of the project titled "Innovative Automatic Railway Infrastructure Condition Monitoring System using Artificial Intelligence and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles" BRIK-II/0030/2023 for SkySnap Ltd. The provisions within the meaning of the Public Procurement Law of September 11, 2019 do not apply.

  • Request for Proposal No. SkySnap_BRIK_3/2024, dated 08/05/2024.

Work and career

NCBiR Projects

As part of projects subsidized by the National Research and Development Center, we create technological solutions that introduce new standards in the industry. Learn more about our projects.

Current NCBiR projects

  • Innovative Automatic Railway Infrastructure Condition Monitoring System using artificial intelligence and unmanned aerial vehicles

    SkySnap, in consortium with Warsaw University of Technology and Enprom sp. z o.o., is carrying out a research project co-financed by the National Center for Research and Development - R&D Works - Innovative Automatic Railway Infrastructure Condition Monitoring System using artificial intelligence and unmanned aerial vehicles BRIK-II/0030/2023.

Archived NCBiR projects

  • INKUB - Inventory of the technical condition of Cubature Properties based on the use of BSL

    SkySnap, in consortium with Warsaw University of Technology, is carrying out a research project co-financed by the European Union. The project aims to improve real estate monitoring and inspection.

  • Inventory and modeling of key infrastructure facilities using BIM technology

    SkySnap, in consortium with Warsaw University of Technology, is carrying out a research project co-financed by the European Union - "R&D work in the inventory and modeling of key technical and transportation infrastructure objects in BIM technology using AI tools in the processing of drone-acquired data."

  • MAST - Digital twin of mast objects as an innovative inventory service using unmanned aerial vehicles and artificial intelligence

    SkySnap in consortium with Warsaw University of Technology is implementing a research project co-financed by the European Union. The project aims to develop an innovative service for inventorying telecommunication masts using drones with AI solutions in acquiring material for analysis based on a digital twin, along with a portal/system solution for customers.

  • PROBRD - PROactive Traffic Safety Management Support System

    SkySnap in consortium with ZDG Tor are implementing a research project co-financed by the European Union - "PROBRD - PROactive system to support the management of Traffic Safety, based on data acquired by unmanned aerial vehicles."


PAIH projects

Together with the Polish Investment and Trade Agency, we implement projects that promote Polish innovations on international markets.

  • Polish Technology Bridges - Mexico

    Skysnap sp z o.o. is implementing a project co-financed by European Funds No. PMT/2474/1N/2021 under the Operational Program Intelligent Development 2014-2020, priority axis III "Support for innovation in enterprises", Measure 3.3 "Support for promotion and internationalization of innovative enterprises", Sub-measure 3.3.1 "Polish Technology Bridges". The aim of the project is to implement the activities recommended in the export action plan, i.e. to increase the share of exports to the Mexico market through the implementation of the internationalization business strategy and promotion of Skysnap solutions on the Mexican market.

  • Polish Technology Bridges - US market

    Skysnap sp z o.o. is implementing a project subsidized by European Funds No. PMT/2474/1N/2021 under the Operational Program Intelligent Development 2014-2020, Priority Axis III "Support for innovation in enterprises", Measure 3.3 "Support for promotion and internationalization of innovative enterprises", Sub-measure 3.3.1 "Polish Technology Bridges" The aim of the project is to implement the activities recommended in the export action plan, i.e. to increase the share of exports to the US market through the implementation of the internationalization business strategy and promotion of Skysnap solutions to the US market.

Start the digital transformation of your construction site with SkySnap

Increase the profitability of your investment by monitoring progress and taking measurements with online tools.

By performing a timely scan of the job site and using automated tools to compare the status of completion with the project, you can quickly verify that you are on time and in compliance with the project.


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